by Portside Marketing | Feb 16, 2018 | Marketing
If you hear the term SSL being thrown around when talking about websites, it stands for Secure Socket Layer. Basically, it’s a special little protocol that does a big and important job on the web. It protects any sensitive information as it’s being transmitted. Any... by Portside Marketing | Feb 9, 2018 | Marketing
Think about your company’s logo. How did you decide on the color scheme? Is it based on your favorite colors? Did you choose them by random? If you answered yes to these last two questions it’s time to rethink your logo. Why? Color can drastically affect a buyer’s... by Portside Marketing | Feb 2, 2018 | Marketing
When you decide to go online to advertise your business or product you may hear a lot of lingo that may sound like a different language. There are a lot of “techie” web terms people use to describe ads and how well they are performing. One of those terms is CTR,... by Portside Marketing | Jan 31, 2018 | Marketing
When you think about some of your favorite brands, what comes to mind? Most likely their logo is one of the first things that pops up. Why? Because it’s they have memorable logos. When you remember the logo you’re typically going to remember the brand as well and...