by Portside Marketing | Jan 26, 2018 | Marketing
Did someone ever tell you that when they search for a pair of shoes online, the same ad or something similar continually pops up when they’re not even actively looking for it? Is it coincidence? Not a chance. It’s called remarketing and many businesses rely on it to... by Portside Marketing | Jan 18, 2018 | Marketing
When businesses look to advertise many turn to the web and to social media. Why? Because businesses can reach potential customers anytime and anywhere. Seeing that roughly three-quarters of Americans now own smartphones, businesses are looking to capitalize on that... by Portside Marketing | Jan 12, 2018 | Marketing
It’s no secret Facebook is beyond popular in the world of social media. In fact, statistics show more than one billion people visit the site every day! With numbers like that it’s no wonder why businesses are turning to Facebook to advertise their services. Studies... by Lisa Parziale | Jan 2, 2018 | Website Design
After weeks of designing, waiting, A/B testing and revisions, your website is done! You’ve written your last check to the website design specialist, and now you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor, right? Not exactly. Many business owners, when considering...