What is Facebook Edgerank?
Many people don’t associate business with Facebook but Edgerank is different. When one thinks of Facebook, you think of social networking. You think of liking your friend’s posts, or posting a video of a cat playing a piano. It’s definitely the last place you should use as a marketing tool. Or is it? Many people get bombarded with pictures, and cliche posts when they scroll through their news feed. This gives businesses an opportunity. Don’t just stop at making a company Facebook page, (they hardly get any views) the best way to use Facebook as marketing tool, is through the News Feed. There is a certain strategy that has made businesses embrace the social network. This strategy is called EdgeRank. EdgeRank is a simple algorithm used by Facebook to decide what will appear on a person’s newsfeed. If you want to get on that newsfeed, then you need follow this strategy.
The Equation of Facebook Edgerank
Edge: Edge is everything that happens in Facebook. From a status update, to liking a comment, this is Edge. You need to master this if you want your business to be relevant in the Facebook universe.
Affinity: Affinity is the relationship between the user and the Edge. The best way for a company to influence a user’s Affinity, is by repeating actions that will increase your edge. Like making comments, sharing, liking posts, and messaging.
Weight: Weight compares certain actions made by a company on Facebook. A comment is more valuable than a like, so, a comment is more plausible to appear on a user’s feed. Posts with the best Weight would be pictures, videos, links, and plain text updates.
Time Decay: The age of your post also determines what is showing up on the user’s newsfeed. No one wants sour milk stinking up their fridge, same goes for old posts. Keep it updated and delete lingering posts.
Keep it short and simple: Posts between 100 to 250 characters are more likely to see likes.
Be Visual: Everyone likes pictures, so naturally you’ll see more traffic by being more visual with your posts.
Post Daily: Many users won’t return to your Facebook page. So by posting daily, you can still be relevant to the user.
Topic: Improve your Business by using Facebook Edgerank
You can make your business stand out by using this simple equation. Businesses with low Edgerank will naturally see less traffic. So by following these steps you will see your Edgerank rise substantially.