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How to Sign Up for Google Authorship

How to Sign Up for Google Authorship

Are you looking to bring more brand awareness to your business? Google Authorship is your answer. To sign up for Google Authorship, you must first sign up for Google+ (Google Plus). If you do not have a Google or Gmail account yet, please click this link to sign up. You will then be directed to the page below:

Before signing up for Google Authorship, sign up for Google+

Step 1:

After you have a proper Google / Gmail account, it is now time to sign up for a Google+ account. Please use this link to sign into your account. For this example, I will use the Username: & Password: markads0n [You will then be directed to the page below:]

Step 2:

Next, you will need to type in your first and last name, your gender, and your date of birth. For this example, I will use the first and last name: Mark Adson; the gender: Male; and finally, the date of birth: January 1st. Then, click on the blue “UPGRADE” button on the bottom, right hand corner.

Step 3:

Thereafter, you will have the option to add or not add people in your circles (i.e. friends list, acquaintances list, work list, etc.) If you wish to skip this step, click on the blue “SKIP” button located on the bottom, right hand corner. For purposes of this example, I will skip this step.

Step 4:

Lastly, you will need to customize your Google+ account — albeit adding a photo of yourself, or adding your company and/or school. When you finish typing in your information, please click on the blue “FINISH” button located on the bottom, right hand corner.

I have a Google+ account. How do I sign up for Google Authorship?

To sign up for Google Authorship, please follow the instructions below:

Step 1:

If you already have a Google+ account, please sign into your account now at For this example, I will use the Username: & Password: markads0n [You will then be directed to the page below:]

Step 2:

Then, click on this link to sign up for Google Authorship. You will be directed to the page below. Verify that  your email address is under the same domain name as your content (ex:

Step 3:

Check your inbox to verify your email address (ex: You will see a message similar to the one below:

Step 4:

Do you have a headshot that you can use? If not, please go ahead and take a professional photo of yourself (preferably from the collar-bone up), and save it to your desktop. Then, upload your photo by clicking on the blue button entitled, “Select a photo from your computer”.

Step 5:

Does your byline on your blog match the name appearing on your Google+ page? If not, please make sure that your name on your blog and your name in your Google+ page match up (ex: “By Mark Adson”).

Step 6:

Then, head over to your Google+ account, and click on the link entitled “Profile” in the left sidebar. Scroll down until you see a section called “Links”. After you finish scrolling, click on the blue “EDIT” button.

Step 7:

Do you see the “Contributor to” section? If so, please click on the “Add custom link” button, and type in your “Label” and “URL”. For purposes of this example, I will use Label: & URL: Then, click SAVE.

Step 8:

Lastly, head over to your blog to look for a popular post (i.e. an entry that has been viewed many times). Type the title of that post into the Google Search function on You should now be able to see your headshot as well as your byline alongside your content in Google’s search results.

How to Sign Up for Google Authorship

How to Sign Up for Google Authorship


Google Authorship – Do I need to take any more steps?

No! If you followed the steps above, your Google Authorship should now be enabled. Your blog will begin to generate higher click through rates. Congratulations!