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Website Design & Development

Website design is one of the most important pieces in an online marketing strategy.

Search Engine Optimization

Portside Marketing has some of the top search engine optimization (SEO) experts in the country.

Logo Design

Portside Marketing has an expert team of graphic designers to create a powerful brand or logo, with award-winning creative services.

DeKalb Texas Logo Design

DeKalb Texas Logo Design – Creating the Icon of Your Company

Highland Village Texas Logo Design

DeKalb Texas Logo Design Example

Logo Design DeKalb Texas

DeKalb Texas Logo Design company Portside Marketing can create your unique brand. Logo design can be a lot more complicated than people realize. Having the right brand elements can make the difference in how successful a company is. Logos are often the very first impression people may have of a particular brand.

From color to symbols, a logo can subliminally alter perceptions, influence folks to make decisions and create a feeling.

A red logo in the medical field may not be a good decision. It reminds people of blood.

What symbol you use, how is flows within the logo and even the font used can all play an important part of the brand. A dentist, for instance, may immediately think to use a tooth as the symbol of their business. However, that does not sett hem apart from others. Tooth symbols are overused and not very interesting. Using something that helps the practice look more successful may well be a better choice.

These decisions and more go into a proper brand development. Understanding the demographics of the client base is important. Determining the goals of the business and ideal clientele can also be important.

Logos Can Create a Feeling

A brand will be around a long time, sometimes 100’s of years if the business thrives. While a brand can be changed, some of the most successful brands have rarely changed their logo. And those that have, often change them only slightly. It can take years and even decades to establish a brand, so it is important to do it properly.

DeKalb Texas Logo Design Factors

So, what are the factors that go into effective logo design?

There are a lot of important factors that help create a great DeKalb Texas Logo Design.One of the main purposes of a logo is to create a feeling for the brand. Here are a few examples of what that could mean.

  • Dalworthington Gardensable
  • Highly technical
  • Excited
  • Reassured
  • Professional
  • Age appropriate
  • Secure
  • Fun or excited
  • Important

Logo Design & the Psychology of Graphics

The graphics and symbols used in a logo and brand can greatly influence a buyers decision.Additionally, the symbols and graphics used can greatly impact how recognizable the brand is. Think about these highly recognizable symbols:

  • McDonald’s – Golden Arches
  • Mastercard – Joined Circles
  • Pillbury – Dough Boy
  • Michelin – The Michelin Man
  • Target – The Target “Red Target”

These are just the tip of the iceburg. FOr many of these, just reading those words brings the iage to mind. Some of them are so simple, most people think there was no creativity in the design. But rest assured, most of these brands spent a lot of time, money and effort developing and marketing these brands. Seeing a symbol and quickly knowing what brand it is – that is a big accomplishment.

See more here – the 50 most recognizable brands.

So what design features are in most brand symbols and graphics?

These are just a few but some of the most important design features:

  • Font
  • Structure
  • Color
  • White space
  • Shape
  • Images
  • Text

Logo design can be important to the overall packaging of products too. All elements should appear to belong together. But, be mindful that the logo doesn’t get lost or blend in the packaging design. Customers should be able to quickly identify your products, company or brand.

A logo placed towards the top of the packaging for instance, have been shown in studies to be more visible. Placing a logo near the top can also mean power and authority. The subconscious mind that sees a logo placed high on packaging often gets perceived as a higher quality, powerful brand.

Other Factors to Consider with DeKalb Texas Logo Design

DeKalb  Texas Logo Design

DeKalb Texas Logo Design

Yes, logo placement is important. But it isn’t the only factor to consider. The logo should be a quality design. Clipart should not be used. The logo should be easy to see and convey the business message.

A great example is green or healthy companies. Many health-conscious brands use the colors that make you think about nature, like brown or green. Different colors & styles can relay different emotions and feelings. Your logo should be:

  • Simple
  • Versatile
  • Memorable
  • Appropriate
  • Unique
  • Enduring

Less can often be more with logo design. Trying to incorporate too many factors can clutter the logo. A logo is used to identify a company but not so complex that the message gets lost.

DeKalb Logo Design Tips

Here are some other things to consider regarding logo design:

  • White space
  • Active design
  • Negative space
  • Different mediums
  • Different backgrounds
  • Cultural differences
  • Should compliment a website

Consider what is not there as much as what is there. Think about the impression that the negative space within the logo may influence customers. Active design can bring the logo to life by implying movement. Who is the target market? Are there any potential cultural inconsistencies? How will the logo look on different mediums? On different colored backgrounds? Will the logo work well with print and embroidery? A versatile logo can be used in many ways down the road.

Find the Right DeKalb Texas Logo Design Company

A quality logo design & brand company will have a vast portfolio and plenty of positive feedback. Look for experience in both the artistic and technical sides of the brand development. Has the company won awards? What comes with the logo? Look at the portfolio to see if the brands shown are high quality brands. Ask for references and read reviews.

Portside Marketing has been designing logos and creating brands for over 20 years. Let us help you create your brand.

An award-winning logo design team!

We have won many design awards over the years. Why? We consult with clients to understand their culture, company goals, mission and customer-base. That ensures each logo created is a unique reflection of that particular company. And, each logo is versatile, creative and effective.

Once your logo has been created, you may want to consider a custom designed website as your next step.

About DeKalb Texas

DeKalb Texas


Contact Portside Marketing at (972) 979-9316 today to find out more about DeKalb Texas Logo Design.